Thai Herbal Compress
Originally created in Thailand during the middle ages, the Thai herbal compress has been used for treatments for centuries. Typically they were used on soldiers returning from battle to get immediate responses to inflammation from wounds and injuries. They were also used for treating soreness and pain from tired, achy muscles, joints from conditions such as arthritis, fibromyalgia and soft tissue injuries.
The compress contains traditional Thai herbs wrapped in cloth, heated then applied to the skin. Special compress balls are also available that do not require heat
and some for use at room temperature. The herbs in the compress possess properties that are anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, astringent and antioxidant.
The therapist presses the heated compress along the muscles and joints allowing the heat and
affect of the herbs to be absorbed deeply into the tissue activating speed healing. These specially selected herbs have drawing properties that reduce
inflammation by removing built up toxins. Clients also benefit from inhaling the intoxicating aroma of the herbs while
breathing deeply during the treatment.
Client Advice
Treatment takes place on a therapy table. Client is dressed in underwear. Body is covered at all times.
Uses for the Herbal Compress
They are used to address sprains, bruises and sore muscles, cleanse and heal the skin by promoting cell growth, and aid upper respiratory ailments such as bronchitis, asthma, and the common cold.
Thai Herbal Ball compress herbas and techniques can help induce deep relaxation, relieve stress and fatigue, boost both emotional and physical well-being, assists alignment and postural integrity, improves circulation of blood and lymph and stimulates the internal organs. They have been found to alleviate pain, stiff, sore or pulled muscles and ligaments, chronic back aches, arthritis, even skin conditions, migraines and chronic stress or anxiety.
£50 for 90 minute treatment.
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